Cambridge Judge Business School

Shortlisted design for refurbishment of historic building for world-class business school

In 2013 we took part in an invited competition for the Cambridge Judge Business School (CJBS), a leading business school that sits in a prominent site in the heart of the city.

CJBS was founded in 1990 and has established an excellent reputation. It occupies the Old Addenbrooke’s Hospital, an historic building with an iconic frontage and full height gallery space within, that is fundamental to the CJBS brand and treasured by staff and students. The University sought an architect to develop a masterplan with the key ambition of unifying the school’s facilities on one site and enhancing existing facilities to provide an exceptional environment that strengthens its position as a world-class business school.

Our ambition was to retain what made CJBS unique and appealing to top students and staff, while providing high quality academic and social spaces. We explored the site and spoke to staff in order to understand the brief and needs of the school. This enabled us to devise three options, all of which created a combination of mezzanine levels and generous rooms to accommodate the different academic courses that the CJBS offers.

This was a challenging and enjoyable large-scale competition that tested our strengths as masterplanners. We were delighted to be on the shortlist with Rogers Stirk Harbour, Stanton Williams and Burrell Foley Fischer.


ClientCJBS; University of Cambridge; The Monument Trust

Total value£30m

CompetitionMar 2013


Structural engineerAKT II

Building ServicesMax Fordham LLP

PlanningTerence O'Rourke

Presentation modelBullfrog Models